About Us


After struggling with my health, I decided to self cleanse my body naturally.

Very early in my natural health journey, I quickly identified that I needed to cleanse and detox my body in order to see results. Cleansing my body was straight forward, no red meat, ate chicken for the 1st 3months, and then maintained a vegan diet whilst cleansing my body with natural roots and herbs.

Although that was working just fine I understood that I still had a hormone imbalance, which is caused by Toxins.

Toxins in your body can be molecules, proteins, or peptides that can cause the growth of diseases and hormone imbalances.

As I eliminated the toxins from my food, I then had to turn my attention to what I was feeding and exposing my largest organ (skin) too.

I throw away all my smell good, extra bubbly, toxic, skin-stripping, commercial cosmetics, and began to create my own.

After years of experimenting with different herbs, roots & emulsifiers I have now produced a range of products loved by both friends & family, tested and confidently used on our babies.
